09 March 2011

Make Opened Programs & Windows Disappear & Invisible By Pressing One Key On Keyboard

Many a times it happen that we may have to use some softwares or other windows which might be objectionable to our seniors like gaming during the working hours, using internet for personal use and many more. Also, there can be a situation, that some colleagues might have habit of sneaking in others system and you don’t want to share the project you are working on. In all such circumstances you have to be very careful and alert. To lower down your burden, I would like to introduce a freeware known as Magic Box Key.

Magic Box key is a small freeware of 1.72 MB. You have to download and install the tool. The freeware is used to hide or show the browsers, folders or any other application that is present on your desktop. This will make all your work really very easy. Now, you can do any number of jobs secretly and that too without tension. The user interface has been displayed in the snapshot below.

sshot- 3

It will display the complete list of all the current active programs. Even if you have opened certain windows after opening the device, simply refresh and the new items will be displayed in the list. Check box all the options which you want to hide instantaneously. There are few options present as shown in the snapshot below.


You can easily choose the language. Download from the software website if available. Now, the main thing comes how to hide the windows? There are two options: use left mouse button + right mouse button or the F12 key. Select the option which you feel to be more convenient. You can also enable the boss key to hide all the desktop icons or the taskbar. Also, you can choose to mute the sound system whenever the windows are hidden and few others.

So, the tool proves to be very user friendly. But still there are few problems: the freeware doesn’t saves the option from the list. So, you can’t close the tool window after the changes. The tool will be present on your system tray after the minimisation. Also, everytime you switch on your system you have to make the choices. You can’t even save the common windows which must be hidden very often. Apart from these few restrictions, the tool will give your wonderful results.

The tool has been tested on Windows 7 and it is also compatible with Windows Vista/ XP/ 2003/ 2000/ 98.

Download Magic Box Key

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