09 March 2011

Regesitry Tweak

Setting the Recycle Bin to Always Delete
Added 11/17/01
You can set the recycle bin to always delete items (like holding down the shift key when dragging files to the recycle bin)
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ BitBucket
3. Set the key NukeOnDelete to 1

Setting the Internet Explorer Home Page
If you want to set the home page used by Internet Explorer through the registry
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main
3. Give the Start Page key the string value you wish set as homepage

Preparing to Move Hard Drive to Another Computer

To remove the devices from device manager when taking a HD from one computer to another,
1. Run Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ and delete the Enum section
3. This removes all of the hardware specific settings

Comparing Registries
While working with changes to your system, you might want to see what is changing in your Registry.
Since you can export it to a text file, the steps are fairly easy
1. Start Regedit
2. With the very top level select - My Computer, on the Toolbar select Registry / Export Registry File
3. I usually save it to the root of the C: drive with the name before (you don't need to add an extension)
4. Make the change to your system
5. Go back to Regedit
6. Press F5 to update it
7. Export the Registry like step 2
8. Name the file after and have it go in the same directory
9. Open up a DOS window
10. Go to the directory where the two exported files are
11. Enter FC before.reg after.reg > diff.txt
12. Then you can edit diff.txt with your favorite text editor.

Setting Excel 2000 High-Contrast Cell Selection
If you want to increase the contrast in selected cells:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Excel \ Options
3. Add a DWORD value call Options6
4. Give it a value of 16
5. Now when you select cells, they will be white on black.

Changing Common Icons
You can change many of the common Windows icons.
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Shell Icons
3. The default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0-40
4. Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See the chart below.
5. Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of the icon in that file.
Note: The numbering starts with zero.
6. If you use a single .ICO file, it should be followed by a 0.
7. e.g. - filename.dll,4 - This would actually be the 5th icon since it starts with 0.
8. Make sure you delete the hidden file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLICONCACHE

0-13 Are the Drive and Application Icons
0 - To change the Unknown Application Icon
2 - To change the Default Application Icon
3 - To change the Closed Folder Icon
4 - To change the Open Folder Icon
5 - To change the 5 1/4" Floppy Icon
6 - To change the 3 1/2" Floppy Icon
7 - To change the Removable Disk Icon
8 - To change the Hard Drive Icon
9 - To change the Network Drive Online Icon
10 - To change the Network Drive Offline Icon
11 - To change the CD Drive Icon
12 - To change the Ramdrive Icon
13 - To change the Entire Network Icon
19-27 Are the Start Menu Icons
19 - To change the Programs Icon
20 - To change the Documents Icon
21 - To change the Settings Icon
22 - To change the Find Icon
23 - To change the Help Icon
24 - To change the Run Icon
27 - To change the Shutdown Icon
Other Icons
33 - To change the DUN Folder Icon
34 - To change the Desktop Icon
35 - To change the Control Panel Icon
37 - To change the Printer Folder Icon
40 - To change the Audio CD Icon
43 - To change the Favorites Icon
44 - To change the Logoff Icon

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