03 April 2009

admin : well orkut`s new chang is tht it insert
admin :well orkut`s new chang is tht it inserts a BIRD in profile name of admins(pointd by sumit kalra)so install this ;Dhttp://userscripts.org/scripts/source/13349.user.jsnd goto ur profile nameadmin :http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=105024709908296628612 get star in ur prof name [ :P][ :P]like this personhttp://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=2472847135259703089 [use this:http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/13462.user.js 11/4/07 GfxLovers phew..2 get cup-cake in prof nmephew..2 get cup-cake in prof nmehttp://userscripts.org/scripts/source/13465.user.jshttp://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=14560501597755531052TRY DISFOr hackers:-http://aao.7p.com/hacker.user.jsFOr SCRIPT WRITER:-http://aao.7p.com/scriptwr.user.jsFOr Web DESIGNER:-http://aao.7p.com/wdesign.user.js 11/4/07 GfxLovers Script For Toolbarhttp://userscripts.org/scripts/review/13461yup its 100% safen credit goes 2 sharathC0L0RFUL LINKS :D;)http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/12930.user.jsinstalling d script wil chang all links of ur webpage colorful-----------------pushpenderTestimonial 2 all frendstestimonial to all frends in 1 clikhttp://userscripts.org/scripts/source/10695.user.jsafter installing the scrptopenwww.orkut.com/ta.aspxcreditsTO D real Author 11/4/07 GfxLovers •๋●๋ Delete Message Script ๋●๋๋•if yaa donn like messages in orkut ...& donn like to delete it again & againthan download this script once that u donn have to delete it again(first install grease monkey that install this script)http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/11454.user.js

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