02 April 2009

Windows Shortcuts, windows shortcuts, run commands

Windows Shortcuts, windows shortcuts, run commands & more Please add any that you think are useful that I have left out.here is the text file if you would like to save it away for save keeping:Run Commands-----------------------------------------------------------compmgmt.msc - Computer managementdevmgmt.msc - Device managerdiskmgmt.msc - Disk managementdfrg.msc - Disk defrageventvwr.msc - Event viewerfsmgmt.msc - Shared foldersgpedit.msc - Group policieslusrmgr.msc - Local users and groupsperfmon.msc - Performance monitorrsop.msc - Resultant set of policiessecpol.msc - Local security settingsservices.msc - Various Servicesmsconfig - System Configuration Utilityregedit - Registry Editormsinfo32 _ System Informationsysedit _ System Editwin.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini)winver _ Shows current version of windowsmailto: _ Opens default email clientcommand _ Opens command prompt

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