03 April 2009

Hacking websites....., For those who really want t

Hacking websites....., For those who really want tIf you posess the HTML & JAVA knowledge then u can even acess password protected websites.To hack a Password Protected Websites just follow these steps: -* Open the website u want to hack. Provide wrong username-password.(e.g : Username - me and Password - ' or 1=1 --)An error occured saying wrong username-password. Now be preparedur work starts from here...* Right click anywhere on that page =>> go to view source.* There u can see the html codings with javascripts.* Before this login information copy the urlof the site in which you are.* Then delete the java script from the above that validates urinformaiton in the server.(Do this very carefully, ur success tohack the site depends upon this i.e how efficiently u delete theJavascripts that validate ur account information)then look for...code ..: input name="password" type="password"=> replacethere instead of . See there ifmaxlength of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11(e.g : if then write* Just go to file => save as and save it any where withinthe hardisk with ext.html(e.g :c:hack.htm)* Close ur webpage and go to the webpage u save in yourharddisk(e.g : c:hack.htm) Open it.* U see that some changes in current page as compared to originalOne. Don't worry.* Provide any username[e.g:hacker] and password[e.g:' or 1=1 --]Congrats!U hav cracked the above website and entered into theaccount of Ist user saved in the server's database.☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ The above trick doesn't work on the websites using latesttechnique to protect there servers. ☺ ☺ ☺ Enjoy ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

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