29 December 2010

Quick Switch, Change User Accounts In Windows In Single Mouse Click

From next time within a single click or by pressing a single button you will be easily able to switch the user account on your system. Many a times, while using a common system in home, we prefer to have separate accounts for all the users associated with that system or it may happen that you have created two different accounts to keep your file load separately for your home and your office. While trying to work in both of them you need to switch the accounts frequently and thus going to start menu and then using then locking your account may take some considerable time. So, i will be solving your problem with Switch User tool developed by IT knowledge 24.

You can easily switch to any other account by just pressing a key or a combination of two keys, as the shortcut will be decided by you. The tool which i will be reviewing today will make switching user accounts very easy and fast.

Extract the zipped file which will be downloaded by you. Now launch that exe file. you will notice that your account was locked and then you can change your user account. Now follow the following steps to use it efficiently.

  • Create its shortcut icon on the desktop by right clicking the the exe file and then sending it to the desktop as a shortcut.

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  • Now right click the shortcut icon available on the desktop, then select properties option. This will open a new application window as shown in the snapshot below.

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  • Now you will have to go to the shortcut tab available in the top of the application window. There you will see a section for entering the shortcut for shortcut keys.

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  • You will notice that when you will be entering the shortcut for that tool, then you will find that a combination of three keys will appear. You will just have to enter a single key which will be accompanied the combination of control key and alt key.

After following the above instruction you will be easily able to switch the accounts with the particular shortcuts assigned by you. Go for it and enjoy

Astonishingly the size of this freeware is extremely small, i.e. just 7 Kbs and this tool will be accompanied by a notepad file in which all the above instruction will be elaborated. This tool is portable and compatible with all the Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Switch User tool

Customize, Remove Control+Alt+Delete Keys Options In Windows

Whenever we press the combination of keys Control+Alt+Delete, then some of the options come in front of us. Though we seldom use all of them but they always come in front of us and it happens most of the times that we press the above combination of keys only for the Windows Task Manager. Today i will be reviewing a tool which will help you to see only those the required options on the screens whenever you press the above combination of keys and the name of this tool is Tweak Control+Alt+Delete Tool which has been developed by IT knowledge 24.

This freeware will help you by disabling the options which are generally present, when we present the above mentioned combination of keys. This tool is really very simple to use as it will also be accompanied by a PDF file which will include all the steps to use this tool.

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When you will launch this tool an application window will appear which will be similar to the snapshot shown above. It will not create any shortcut and it will also not be present in the tray of the taskbar. You will just have to read the options available in the application window and then mark accordingly.

As we now that primarily there are five options which are available in the default screen when we press Alt+Control+Delete key combination, which are to lock the system, to switch the user, to change the password, to start the Task Manager and to log off the system. Read the options in the application Window, as you you can disable any option among all the five options. If you want to see only the Windows Task manager on the logon Window then you should mark all the option except the one representing the disable Task Manager. The application window of that tool will look like the one shown below.

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After executing it, the change will occur and then the only option on the screen after pressing Alt+Control+Delete key will be Task Manager. Hence the tool worked. Use it and Enjoy!!!

The size of this tool is astonishingly small and moreover it is portable, the size of this tool is around 29Kbs but it will be present in a zipped file accompanied by a PDF file as mentioned above. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Tweak Control+Alt+Delete Tool

Update Programs, Software Applications On Windows Automatically

We generally uncheck the auto-update detection in the tool while installing it as we do not want that any tool should poke us in between our important work and due to this we usually miss the important updates of our tool. Today i will be reviewing a tool which will take care of this problem by reminding you of al the updates related to all the tools which are installed on your system.

Even if we turn off the update detection option in the tool, this tool will help us to know about the updates present currently on the internet. When we enable the option of update detection then each tool will search for its own update but whenever we turn ON our system, each tool installed on your system tries to find its own update thus making your system slow. This tool will help you to form a centralized structure to update all the tools which are installed on your system.

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The snapshot of the application window of this freeware has been shown above. You can see that all the tools are enlisted in the application window. All the tools are specified by their name of current version and then the update version which has been detected by this tool. You will also see the beta version option, which will tell you about any beta version release of that product.

Whenever you are free and want to install any update then just mark the box in front of that tool and then click the update option. As soon as you click that option, it will take you to a webpage which will contain the link to download the update. Just click that link and then you will be able to download the updated version of that tool. The webpage will look similar to that one as shown

Under the general option, you can hide or see the update versions for the Microsoft products and then you can also start this tool with the system startup.

The size of this tool is around 8 Mb and this tool is portable so you can carry it anywhere in the pendrive. This tool will take few seconds to analyze all the tools installed on your system and then it will enlist it on the application window. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download R-Updater

Fast, Quick Hard Disk Defrag Tool For Windows

You must have noticed that whenever we format our system after a long time then it becomes faster. The reason behind this change is that whenever we install a software then some registries are also loaded on your system. These registries acquire certain amount of space in our hard disk and even when we uninstall these tools, some times they still remain on our system. The useless registries can be deleted using some tools but the registries of the tools which are currently installed on your system can be compressed by using a tool known as Quicksys Regdefrag.

We need not to worry about the left registries as they do not trouble much. We have mentioned about some of the tool which can restore or create the backup for the registries in your system. The registries which are present on the system are separated by certain gaps in the system, which acquire considerable space and at the time of the system startup, they make the system slow and increase the response time of their application.

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This tool will initially appear as shown above in the snapshot. The only difference will be that the section of Last Defrag performed and Size recovered will be blank. This tool will help in the following points:

  1. There will be fewer crashes and errors related to your applications and Operation System.
  2. The response time of the applications will reduce.
  3. The system startup time will also reduce, thus making your system faster.

When you will start defragmenting the registries, then initially it will check the amount of Free space which will be recovered after completing the operation. Then it will ask you whether you want to defragment it or not, If the space which is being recovered is considerable, then please go forward to defragment the registries, it will remove the spaces which are present in between the registries of the tools.

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It will take some time on defragmenting them and it may happen that your system might become unresponsive, but do not worry about it as it will be corrected automatically after the tool completes its operation.

The size of this freeware is around 2 Mb and it does not take much time to get installed. This tool is compatible with the all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download QuickSys RegDefrag

Block, Lock USB Port On Your Computer

Some times you may not want others to plug in their virus infected flash drives on your computer, or for any other reason you don’t want to allows other to connect their portable drives and transfer the data through it. In such a case you can use the freeware software called USB Port Locked will help you lock all existing USB ports on your computer. This application is very useful if you want restrict the use of USB ports on your computer for security reasons.


This application is portable in nature, does not require any installation, you can directly run it through its execuatble. It occupies a very small size on your hard drive and uses very minimal CPU while running, and it runs on all the version of windows, we have just tested it in windows 7 32 bit ultimate edition.

Download USB Port Locked

28 December 2010

Easy Way To Capture Your Computer Screen

Many a times we need the snapshots on our screen like when we want to share some thing from our screen or when we want to show the exact error which popped up while using a tool on the system. So, today i will be reviewing a very nice and a handy tool which will take care of all the screenshots and snapshots which should be taken by you for small problems and the name of this freeware is DuckLink Screen Capture.

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Many of us, who usually work on lots and lots of work related to snapshot prefer to go for SnagIt or WinSnap, but these are little bit heavy tools and they contain lots of options which are to be used when a particular type of screenshot is required. But this tool is very simple as it contains only 4 options for taking a snapshot.

When you will start installing the tool, then it will take some time as per the minimum system requirements because it will download the missing components. After the installation is complete, you will see a small application Window as shown in the snapshot below. You can see the 4 options enumerated in it which are mentioned as follows:

1. Region: This will help you to capture of the any region on the Screen, a sample has been shown in the snapshot.

2. Window: Now this option will help you to capture the Windows available on the screen, a sample of this one can be seen below.


3. Scrolling: This option is very useful, when ever we want to take the snapshot of a full webpage or if you you want to capture a whole letter, then you generally have to break the snapshot into parts but with the help of this option, you will be able to capture the whole page, as while taking the snapshot it will scroll down the page and then capture it.
You can adjust the time gap between the scroll down with the help of advanced settings option of the tool. You can also change the output format of the screenshot captured.

4. Full Screen: This option will help you to take the snapshot of the whole screen.


The size of this tool is around 4 Mb and it will not much time to get installed. Before installing it make sure that you have latest version or version 4.0 of Microsoft .Net Framework installed on it. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download DuckLink Screen Capture

Make Windows Look Like Mac OS X

We generally use Windows as it is widely spread in our country and we usually avoid to work on any other OS as then we will have to change all the tools which we used initially on our OS and then all the options in toolbar, menubar or in the context menu will change. But still there is a feature which are embedded in these OS, specially MAC OS which attracts us. Today i will be reviewing a tool which is nothing but a transformation pack knows as Snow Transformation Pack and will help you to take a taste of MAC OS with altering any feature of your Windows OS.

The most attracting feature of MAC OS is its looks and appearance which is very much cool to work on. This transformation pack will help you change all the appearance of the Windows to MAC OS and then your OS will look exactly similar to the Macintosh. All the folders icons, the scroll bar, title bar and many more features will be changed as per MAC OS.

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This transformation will make you see the exact look of MAC, as the color and the style of your title mar, menu bar and scroll bar will change. Besides this you will also see that the taskbar has been shifted on the top and the start button which was represented by Windows sign has been replaced by Apple. The appearance of the desktop has been shown in the snapshot above. You will also have an additional feature knows as RV dock which will help you to launch some of the application with a click, it looks very beautiful and the the snapshot of this tool has been shown below.

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The size of this freeware is around 30Mbs and it will take some time to get downloaded. As soon as you launch this tool it will show you the background image of the transformation pack, before initiating the installation it will tell you to switch OFF UAC and then it will tell you to reboot the system. After you you reboot it, it will install all the files and then after completing the installation it will again ask for the reboot. Now the next time you start your system it will show you the appearance of the MAC OS.

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This tool is compatible on the all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Snow Transformation Pack 1.0

Customize, Decrease UAC Protection Level

The one of the most annoying feature in the Windows versions after Windows XP was the UAC. This window used to popup every time when we launch any newly downloaded tool for the first time on our system, it may appear to be annoying but its really good from the security point of view for your system. Every time you launch a tool it blocks the installation procedure and then it shows the changed which will made by this tool in your system. But if you believe that you do not need this information and you can do better without it then i have to your problem which is known as UAC Controller Tool and this will help you to customize the settings of UAC on your system.

I have reviewed many tools which can be useful for your small problems, these tool were not heavy and they were very much reluctant. Some of them are like removing the option from Alt+Delete+Ctrl key and Switching to another user account in a click and again this time we have tried to make your working on your system easier by providing you the authority to customize the settings for the UAC with the above mentioned tool.

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This freeware will help you to get rid of that feature you Operating System. You can change it as per your convenience, The options which can be seen in the application window as shown above in the snapshot can be explained as follows:

  • Turn Off UAC: this feature will require the system restart and it will turn Off the UAC feature.
  • Enable Elevation without prompt for Administrator: This option will disable the UAC for the Administrator and for the other users, UAC will still be enable.
  • Switch to Default UAC settings: This will make no change to the UAC settings on your system.
  • Switch UAC to user friendly: This option will disable the UAC feature for all the Window and Microsoft based tools and applications.
  • Keep UAC on: As the name tells it all, no matter what may be the previous settings, it will keep the UAC turned ON.

If you press the Hide option then it the tool will be minimized on the tray, from where you can see all the options available in the context menu.

The size of this tool is very small i.e. around 200 Kbs and it is portable. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download UAC Controller Tool

27 December 2010

Create WiFi HotSpot Access Point With Your Laptop

The wireless internet connection or WiFi is the most basic feature which almost every laptop has, but we generally do not make full use of it. Lets assume that you are on an official tour and you forgot to carry your internet data card and you had an emergency to use internet, but you all your collogues are using their internet then what will you do??? …. I have a solution to this problem which is named as Intel Laptop to Hotspot Converter.

This tool will help you to convert your laptop to a hotspot, where other laptops will be able to connect to your laptop and then you will be able to share their internet connection. Now this is a very smart solution in respect to any other solution which you would have thought of at that time. Not only this but you will also be able to connect to any other hotspot which is present there.


The application window of this tool has been shown above in the snapshot and whenever you close this window it will be minimized on the tray. The operations of this freeware can be divided into three different categories which are mentioned and explained as follows:-

  • The first options will be consisting of the operations related to connecting your laptop to a hotspot zone or making your laptop a hotspot zone, so that others can connect to your system. The snapshot of the same is similar to the one shown above.
  • Next option is the Hotspot setup, which will show you about the status of the wired LAN connection and the Wireless WiFi connection. Select the modem for the WiFi connection and then start the Hotspot setup. The snapshot of the same can be seen below.


  • The third option is How To Connect, where you can add passwords to the laptop, if you are making your laptop as a Hotspot then the other laptops will need a password to connect to your system. If your want to connect your system to another Hotspot then the option for that operation are mentioned below in the application window. The snapshot of the same can be seen below.


The size of this tool is around 3 Mb and it will take no time to get installed. You can launch this tool with the help of a shortcut icon available on the desktop. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition. The downloading link which will be provided by me, will help you to download the trail version of this tool which is of 15 days so if you like this tool and want to carry on with it then you can buy it with the option in the bottom of the application window.

Download Intel Laptop to Hotspot Converter

Run or Test Android OS On Laptop or Desktop Computer

Have you wanted to get a feel of Android OS, graphics and interfaces before you actually decide to buy an android device. In this tutorial I will show you how easily you can boot your desktop or laptop computer with Android OS with any ordinary USB drive in a few minutes. I will also share a video of the same.


Live Android CD or USB To Test Android OS

There is an awesome project called the Live-Android which creates a desktop or laptop enabled image CD and USB image of the Android OS which runs on Google Nexus one and other Android phones and tablets.

To make your own Live USB or CD, you need to follow these simple Steps:

Step 1 : Download USB / CD image files from this link.

Step 2 : Download HJ Split Tool to join these files downloaded from the above link.

Step 3 : Place all the files downloaded in step 1 in a same folder and run HJ Split tool to join the parts of these files. This will create an ISO file which we will use in further steps.

Step 4 : Download UNetbootin and run the same and insert a USB pen drive larger than 175 MB capacity to USB port of your PC. Select the Diskimage option as shown below and select the .iso image created in Step 3 and select the drive letter of the USB drive and press OK. This will create the USB drive, it may take a few minutes.


Step 5 : Now connect this USB to the desktop or laptop computer where you want to test Android OS, enter the BIOS settings and ensure the USB boot device is enabled and has a higher preference than the primary hard-disk disk of your computer. Restart the computer and here you go with the Android OS.

Enable Right Click On Pages Where It Is Disabled

There are many sites, which do not allow you to select the data or save any image on their webpage. They do the following by blocking you mouse click on their webpage but need no to worry now because now i will be telling you a solution to this problem which is known as right to click and it is not an installable tool but is is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. So, if you want to use this tool then you have to work on Mozilla Firefox.

There are many sites specially, the wallpaper sites which will ask for some money if you want to access the wallpapers or if you want to copy any thing from their sites. But this add-on will help you do all those restricted things on those websites. So, from next time you can get all that paid information and wallpapers from those sites without paying them anything.


The icon can be seen above and then options are displayed below in the snapshot. Whenever when you want to use it just click that icon besides the address bar and then all the selected options will be enabled. This add on can enable the text selection, enable the context menu, enable the left and right click on the webpage. Besides these features it can also remove the timer scripts from the webpage.


You can see the options enlisted in the snapshot of the tool, wherein it can perform many small small tasks, which may be required at various point of time. It can also force the images and websites to open. Basically it performs all these operations by disabling the Java script which helps us to pass through the restricted area.

This size of this tool is very small i.e. around 20 Kbs and thus it will no time to get downloaded and as soon as it gets downloaded it will ask you to restart the browser so that it can start its operation. You can see an icon on the right of the address bar and when ever you visit any site where the click of your mouse has been blocked then you will just have to click that icon and then it will start operating. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition but basically its compatibility depends on the browser which should be Mozilla Firefox.

Download RightToClick

24 December 2010

Top 50 Plus Tweaks For Windows 7

We have already published some of the tweak tools like SMART and some tweak tips and this time we will reviewing about a full fledged tweak tool which can really help you a lot. As it is a multi functional tool offering lots of features and the name of this tool is TWEAK ME. So get ready to make your system faster and better than ever before.

This tool divides the system settings, temporary files and other application settings into different groups and then you can perform tweaks on them with the help of this tool. It will also show you the log related to the changes made in your system.


As you can see the application window of this freeware in the snapshot shown above. Here in the window you can see there are few tabs at the top of the application window and this tool can perform lots of tweaks, as they are divided under different tabs. The very first tab is of tweaks in which you can change the security settings, you can increase the performance of your system, you can also change the settings of Windows Update, Windows Media Player, User Account Control and many more which are mentioned in the snapshot shown above. You can make your system free from the error reporting, and the virus logs which are by anti-virus tools.

The next tab is Profile wherein you can save the profile of your system. The format of the file will be .tweakme and then you can load it at any time. The next tab is of Cleaner which will take care of all the temporary files which are generated in your system by the browsers or the Window itself, it will also take care of all the log files which are generated by the installed applications on your system. The rest of the options can be seen in the snapshot which has been shown below. Next tab is named as Log which will take care of all the changes that have been made using this tool.


The next tab of Options which basically deals with reminding the user to create a restore point before making any changes into the system and it can also check for the updates when the system starts, you can see the snapshot below.


The size of this tool is around 2 Mb and it is portable, so you can customize any system as per your convenience just carry it with yourself in your USB Drive. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Tweak Me

Insert Audio To Video Files Using VideoAudioMerger

You must have worked with many tools on which you can create your own video by adding image files, music files and some videos. We have also reviewed some of them like AV video Karaoke Maker and one of the tools is already installed in the Windows OS. But they have large number of options as they are designed for clubbing videos and image files with music files, so most of the options are related to modify the images which are inserted in the video. But the tool which we will be reviewing today, has been specially developed for clubbing videos with mp3 files and the name of this tool is VideoAudioMerger.

As you can predict from the name that this tool will merge video and audio files and as it has been specially designed for clubbing video and audio files so it will be very easy to use because it does not contain much options.


As you can see the snapshot of the tool, wherein you can observe the simplicity of the tool. Now first of all, locate the input music file with the help of the browse option present in front of the field of input. Now, select the input video file and then again repeat the same procedure as done in selecting the music file. All the codec are already present in that tool so there is no need to install them separately.

Then after completing the above steps select the output folder location, where the clubbed file will be stored. The output video file can be of .MP4, .SWF, .FLV and .WMV format. As soon as you slick the start button on the bottom of the application window, the conversion will start and then after completion, the file will be stored at the output location. So, in just few clicks you merged a music file and video file.

The size of this tool is around 4 Mb and it will not take much time to get installed. It just has a single application window where all the options are available, everything will be done on the same window. Start making good use of this tool as meanwhile we will trying to get in touch with a tool which can be as simple as this tool but it can also be portable. This freeware is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download VideoAudioMerger

Show Message On Windows Login Screen

There is an option of Welcome screen in everyone’s mobile. Whenever we switch off our mobile and then turn it ON then that message appears before we start using our phone normally and I always wished that i could had something like that on my system. So, we will be reviewing today a tool which will be helpful in doing that task as mentioned above and the name of this tool is Windows Logon Notifier.

It really feels nice when you open you system and then you find a beautiful message written on your Logon Screen and some times it is also very much helpful when you want to convey a message to any other user working on that same system with a different User Account, as you will not have to remember that message and when ever you and any other user logs ON to his or her system then you will find that message on his/her screen.


As you can see from the snapshot that this freeware is very much simple. If you want to write any message then just click on the highlighted area which is written as “Write Title Here”, just add your message in it and then that same message with the e-mail ID written on that application window will be there on the Logon screen whenever you will Log ON to your screen you will get that message printed on it.

And whenever you want to change or remove that message then just click that remove button on the application window and then add a new one with the same procedure repeated above. When you will log into your account then after entering the password another screen will appear which will contain this message and until your press OK on that screen you will not be able to see you account. You can also see the status of the message on the bottom of that application window.

The size of this tool is around 600 Kb and moreover this tool is portable. So, you can take it any where on your USB drive and then create LogON messages. When you will launch this tool then everytime a UAC interface will appear which will ask for the permission to make any change. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Windows Logon Notifier

Reveal, Extract Passwords Hidden Behind Bullets, Asterisks or Dot Dot

Sometimes my computer becomes very frustrating for me, lately my caps lock indicator LED has not been working and it becomes very difficult for me to enter passwords which are normally hidden behind bullets or stars. When I didn’t know that my caps lock LED wasn’t working, I accidently entered one of the passwords wrong for more than three times and it resulted in the blocking of my ID on that service. It happened just because I didn’t know what I was typing and it wouldn’t had happened if I could have seen what was behind those bullets. But problems are the reasons why we take out solutions and therefore necessity is the mother of invention.

So to solve my problem I sat on the laptop and started searching for a tool that can reveal passwords behind those bullets so that my ID never gets blocked again.I found out this tool called the Bullet Pass View. Bullet Pass View is a Password recovery software that reveals the passwords saved behind the text box of windows operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser.

This application is very easy to use and all you have to do is run the exe file.

So to show you an example I chose to open a internet explorer window and then opened a social networking website’s password window, after opening this window I ran the executable file.


After executing the file you will see a window like this


With this window you will automatically see all the open windows with passwords behind bullets which are open on windows operating system or the internet explorer.As you can clearly see that this application automatically found out the password hidden behind the bullets and it displays it without any problems. I would definitely advise you to download this free utility if you have problems remembering too many passwords as this application can help you out with organizing and saving you passwords as well .

Some advantages of this application are as follows :

  • It doesn’t display the password inside the original window and the pass word is revealed inside the main window of the application.
  • It supports Windows 7/ Vista
  • Can work for Internet Explorer.
  • Unicode application which makes sure that passwords with non English characters are revealed properly.

Some Known Limitations are as follows:

  • Does not work with Chrome, Opera, Firefox web browsers
  • Does not work with Dialup and network passwords of windows.

Download Bullets Pass View.

Edit, Enhance Audio, Music Files Using Wave Editor

Hello!! There. Today I am going to introduce you to a tool which can help you to make some amendment in the music files. Sometimes it happens that you need to edit the audio file of a video in order to make it concurrent with the video or sometimes you need to amplify certain portions of the file in order to make them audible. You can call this tool as Wave editor and in this post I will be telling you that how you can use that tool.


You can see the snapshot of the tool shown above. You just have to select the audio and then you can start your operation on it. The audio files which will be supported by this tool are MP3, WAV and WMA. You can see the type of operations which can be performed on that file; they are placed on the toolbar of the tool. Some of the operations are fading in, fading out, cropping the certain portion of the file, cutting and copying the certain portion of the file and few more.

As soon as you select the file its graph will be generated in the tool and then you can select the point from where you make any amendment. You can select any portion of the file by just dragging the pointer of your mouse on the graph which is shown in the middle of the tool. Once you select the portion of the file you can perform the above mentioned operation by just selecting the operation available on the toolbar of the tool and then if you want then you can save that file as another file or you can change that original. I am sure that you will definitely like this tool.

The size of this tool is around 2.2 MB and it will take no time to get installed and moreover it has very user-friendly GUI, so you can work comfortably. Please do write us if you face any problem while installing or working with this tool, just put down your comments in the comments sections and we will revert back in the same section. We might be able to help you. This tool is expected to be compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate edition. I hope that you will like this tool, keep reading and have a nice day.

Download Wave editor

03 December 2010

[ Fixed ] Solve Exe or Programs Don’t Run

If you are facing a problem while trying to open your Windows Explorer from taskbar or even from start menu and the following error is displayed whenever you try to open your windows explorer, then today we will provide you a detail solution to fix this error.


This error basically occurs due to corruption of one of your registry key. The reason for corruption of your registry could be because of any virus affecting your computer or could be due to change of registry value by a new program which you have installed recently or might be some any other reason. When you see the above error, you will also find that when you press Win key+E, a window opens displaying “Unspecified error“.


However, you may find that you are able to launch Windows Explorer by double click on My Computer icon or after trying to include additional switches like ” /e or /n” with explorer.exe, but if you want to recover your computer from this problem, then you will need to fix the registry key “ HKCR\Folders”.

To fix this registry key, just go to this link. After that you will see a page as follow.

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Now right click on folder which I have highlighted on the above snapshot and then click on option Save link as. After you click on save link as, a new window will open.

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Now save this file to any of your preferred location. Now go to this file location and then you will see a zip file with name “folder_fix_w7”. Open this file and extract it to Desktop and ensure that you save the file in REG format. REG is the registry format and after extracting this file to desktop, you will see a icon as follow on desktop.

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After that right click on this REG file and click on option Merge. The alternate way of doing this is open your Registry Editor by typing regedit in start menu. Then click Import option from file menu to merge REG file contents. Do ensure that you are logged in as administrator to change this registry key else you will see a error message and you won’t be able to change this registry key.

After changing this registry, close the Registry Editor and then restart your computer. Now you should be able to open your Windows Explorer from both taskbar and start menu.

[ Source - WinHelpOnline Download ]

Quick Multiple Pictures Collage Maker

You must have got an idea by the title of this post, Well you know that the tool which I will be reviewing today will be used to create collage of the selected image files. Now for me this tool was very useful as i liked the way it created the collage of the images that were imported by this tool. The name of this tool is Collage It and I will be telling you more about it.

Many a times we are required to create collage some times it is an occasion and sometimes as a gift. Now this tool will help to create by importing all the image files that are available on your system. In my case it detected all the image files, so I would not be able to tell you the particular formats which it can detect. But yes in my case I had some of the BMP and JPEG files. So atleast this tool will not fail for these two format.


As you can see in the snapshot that all the images which are selected by you will be collected on the right column of the application window. Once you select all the images, just click the Generate Preview button and then you will see the preview in the full screen mode and you will also be able to see that in the center of that application window.

If you want to change any setting related to collage then all the setting options are available on the left side of the application window. If you want to change the background color and its color flow then you can select the change background option, if you want to change the number of images present on a single collage then it is the very first option in the settings column. If you have increased the number to 30 or 40 and the number of files which were selected by your are 10 then the files will be divided in to different pieces and then the collage will be prepared. No repetition will take place.

The size of this tool is around 5 Mb and it will take no time to get installed. This freeware is not portable but it is expected that it is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Collage It

Create Wireless HotSpot Access Point Without Wireless Router

Router is an electronic device which interconnects two or more computers by routing the flow of data in packet form between them. The normal way of connecting computer is by using LAN router or Wireless Routers. Today we will telling you about a tool called Virtual Router using which you can create a wireless hotspot without even using any wireless router.

You can make wireless network connection without even wireless router only if you have Windows 7 (Windows Server 2008 R2) and a Wi-Fi i.e wireless network adapter. Use Virtual Network on your Windows 7 and set up your own wireless hotspot without any router. Now you may be wondering, What is special in Windows 7 that you can create a wireless network using a software, without any router?

Well the answer is that Virtual Router uses an inbuilt feature of Windows 7 i.e Wireless Hosted Network (Virtual Wi-Fi) technology and hence allows you to share your network connection with other computers. This wireless network which is created by this tool uses WPA2 Encryption which can’t be switched off by any means. Hence, it will ensure the best security by actually the feature of the Wireless Hosted Network API’s which is an in-built feature of Windows 7 and 2008 R2.

This tool is very simple to use and you won’t be required to make complicated configuration to create a network. The only thing which you need to do is to set a password so as to secure your network connection and then start this tool.

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The first row is Network Name. By default this tool creates a network with name VirtualNetwork. You can even change your network name and set a desired name. Now the next field is Password. You can fill any desired password so as to secure your connection. Only users who knows your password will be able to access your network. Hence it will provide security of your network. Next is Shared Connection. Here you can see list of connections available and among them select any connection which you want to share.

Adjacent to it, a refresh button is available so that if you don’t find any network connection, you can refresh it till you find your connection. Once you done with all the settings, all you need to do is to click on Start Virtual Router and then this tool will automatically Create a virtual connection.

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After connections is set, you can minimize this tool and this tool will then automatically pin in your system tray and will run in background. Now by creating your own Wireless hotspot, you can share data with your friends or even play games together and do much more stuffs.

The size of this tool is 1.01 Mb and it won’t take much time to get installed. This freeware is compatible with Windows 7 only and been tested successfully on Windows 7 Ultimate-32 bit edition.

Download WirelessRouter

Rename Large Number Of Files In Folder With Some Criteria & Conditions

The name of the file plays a significant role in helping us to remember its contents. Mostly in offices where each department has several under-departments for example, there are two departments viz. Finance and marketing and they have their respective sub-departments with same name (lets say tax).

So in order to differentiate between the files of finance and marketing we have to name their sub-department files with prefixes. There will not be a single file for the department but around in dozens so renaming each file manually will take a long time so its better to use PowerRen 2000 which is a simple tool to rename files in masses.

Powerren 2000 provides various easy to use options by which you can rename your files in masses in less time as well as with full satisfaction.

It provides mainly three options: Basic, Advanced and File Display. You just have to select the files which has to be renamed by browsing in the drives.


In Basic options, there are sub-options of ‘Change prefix’. It will add any prefix at beginning or end or you can even replace it. For example considering the same case you can add files finance and marketing for differentiating their files.

You can also use counter for files. For example, you have 5 files so you can start the counter from 1 and increment it by 1. You can specify up to what digit you want the counter to run in case of further addition of files in this section.

You can also change extension of the file if you want to.


In Advanced options, you have the option of removing spaces, brackets, tides or hyphens from the name of file. You can also remove a specific string or replace the one with yours. It also provides you the option of changing the letters to Lowercase, uppercase or keeping the first character uppercase in each word.


It brags about supporting ID3 tags but when you use this option, the software stops running and display this window.


The File display option provides the option of showing the type of files like hidden, read-only, archive and system. It also provides you the option of sorting the filename by name, extension and size.


Before applying all the changes to your file name, it offers the option of ‘Preview’ by which you can see how the name will appear so if you like it you can apply it and if not you can make further changes.


Download PowerRen 2000

Disable, Delete Websearch History Searches From Your Google Account

When ever you search on google, by default google record your search history either you are doing these searches signed in to your google account or not signed in to your google account.

This feature of google search is called web history, Today we will tell you how to turn off web search history or how to remove some searches you made out of the entire web search history. This search history records by google is accessible to you and can be of help sometimes when you are searching about you had already searched but not getting the same search results which you had got when you searched for it previously.

Google web search history will record all your searches by, date & time when you searched, Keyword you used for searching and the website you landed on by clicking any of the search results.

Follow to the procedure below to know how you can disable web history or remove specific searches from it.

1. Go to google.com and do a google search for any keyword like technix update

2. Now click the link Web History on the top right corner of the page


3. Now of you want to stop google from recording your searches then under left sidebar links you can click Pause to stop google from recording your search history.


4. Just in case, if you want to remove specific searches from the web history out of all the items, then click remove items link.


5. Then you can select which searches you would like to remove from your account and then click remove button as shown in the image below.

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Disable, Delete Websearch History Searches From Your Google Account