24 December 2010

Top 50 Plus Tweaks For Windows 7

We have already published some of the tweak tools like SMART and some tweak tips and this time we will reviewing about a full fledged tweak tool which can really help you a lot. As it is a multi functional tool offering lots of features and the name of this tool is TWEAK ME. So get ready to make your system faster and better than ever before.

This tool divides the system settings, temporary files and other application settings into different groups and then you can perform tweaks on them with the help of this tool. It will also show you the log related to the changes made in your system.


As you can see the application window of this freeware in the snapshot shown above. Here in the window you can see there are few tabs at the top of the application window and this tool can perform lots of tweaks, as they are divided under different tabs. The very first tab is of tweaks in which you can change the security settings, you can increase the performance of your system, you can also change the settings of Windows Update, Windows Media Player, User Account Control and many more which are mentioned in the snapshot shown above. You can make your system free from the error reporting, and the virus logs which are by anti-virus tools.

The next tab is Profile wherein you can save the profile of your system. The format of the file will be .tweakme and then you can load it at any time. The next tab is of Cleaner which will take care of all the temporary files which are generated in your system by the browsers or the Window itself, it will also take care of all the log files which are generated by the installed applications on your system. The rest of the options can be seen in the snapshot which has been shown below. Next tab is named as Log which will take care of all the changes that have been made using this tool.


The next tab of Options which basically deals with reminding the user to create a restore point before making any changes into the system and it can also check for the updates when the system starts, you can see the snapshot below.


The size of this tool is around 2 Mb and it is portable, so you can customize any system as per your convenience just carry it with yourself in your USB Drive. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download Tweak Me

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