29 December 2010

Fast, Quick Hard Disk Defrag Tool For Windows

You must have noticed that whenever we format our system after a long time then it becomes faster. The reason behind this change is that whenever we install a software then some registries are also loaded on your system. These registries acquire certain amount of space in our hard disk and even when we uninstall these tools, some times they still remain on our system. The useless registries can be deleted using some tools but the registries of the tools which are currently installed on your system can be compressed by using a tool known as Quicksys Regdefrag.

We need not to worry about the left registries as they do not trouble much. We have mentioned about some of the tool which can restore or create the backup for the registries in your system. The registries which are present on the system are separated by certain gaps in the system, which acquire considerable space and at the time of the system startup, they make the system slow and increase the response time of their application.

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This tool will initially appear as shown above in the snapshot. The only difference will be that the section of Last Defrag performed and Size recovered will be blank. This tool will help in the following points:

  1. There will be fewer crashes and errors related to your applications and Operation System.
  2. The response time of the applications will reduce.
  3. The system startup time will also reduce, thus making your system faster.

When you will start defragmenting the registries, then initially it will check the amount of Free space which will be recovered after completing the operation. Then it will ask you whether you want to defragment it or not, If the space which is being recovered is considerable, then please go forward to defragment the registries, it will remove the spaces which are present in between the registries of the tools.

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It will take some time on defragmenting them and it may happen that your system might become unresponsive, but do not worry about it as it will be corrected automatically after the tool completes its operation.

The size of this freeware is around 2 Mb and it does not take much time to get installed. This tool is compatible with the all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download QuickSys RegDefrag

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