29 December 2010

Update Programs, Software Applications On Windows Automatically

We generally uncheck the auto-update detection in the tool while installing it as we do not want that any tool should poke us in between our important work and due to this we usually miss the important updates of our tool. Today i will be reviewing a tool which will take care of this problem by reminding you of al the updates related to all the tools which are installed on your system.

Even if we turn off the update detection option in the tool, this tool will help us to know about the updates present currently on the internet. When we enable the option of update detection then each tool will search for its own update but whenever we turn ON our system, each tool installed on your system tries to find its own update thus making your system slow. This tool will help you to form a centralized structure to update all the tools which are installed on your system.

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The snapshot of the application window of this freeware has been shown above. You can see that all the tools are enlisted in the application window. All the tools are specified by their name of current version and then the update version which has been detected by this tool. You will also see the beta version option, which will tell you about any beta version release of that product.

Whenever you are free and want to install any update then just mark the box in front of that tool and then click the update option. As soon as you click that option, it will take you to a webpage which will contain the link to download the update. Just click that link and then you will be able to download the updated version of that tool. The webpage will look similar to that one as shown

Under the general option, you can hide or see the update versions for the Microsoft products and then you can also start this tool with the system startup.

The size of this tool is around 8 Mb and this tool is portable so you can carry it anywhere in the pendrive. This tool will take few seconds to analyze all the tools installed on your system and then it will enlist it on the application window. This tool is compatible with all the versions of Windows as it has been checked with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition.

Download R-Updater

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