03 December 2010

Disable, Delete Websearch History Searches From Your Google Account

When ever you search on google, by default google record your search history either you are doing these searches signed in to your google account or not signed in to your google account.

This feature of google search is called web history, Today we will tell you how to turn off web search history or how to remove some searches you made out of the entire web search history. This search history records by google is accessible to you and can be of help sometimes when you are searching about you had already searched but not getting the same search results which you had got when you searched for it previously.

Google web search history will record all your searches by, date & time when you searched, Keyword you used for searching and the website you landed on by clicking any of the search results.

Follow to the procedure below to know how you can disable web history or remove specific searches from it.

1. Go to google.com and do a google search for any keyword like technix update

2. Now click the link Web History on the top right corner of the page


3. Now of you want to stop google from recording your searches then under left sidebar links you can click Pause to stop google from recording your search history.


4. Just in case, if you want to remove specific searches from the web history out of all the items, then click remove items link.


5. Then you can select which searches you would like to remove from your account and then click remove button as shown in the image below.

9-12-2010 1-10-23 AM

Disable, Delete Websearch History Searches From Your Google Account

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