03 December 2010

[ Fixed ] Solve Exe or Programs Don’t Run

If you are facing a problem while trying to open your Windows Explorer from taskbar or even from start menu and the following error is displayed whenever you try to open your windows explorer, then today we will provide you a detail solution to fix this error.


This error basically occurs due to corruption of one of your registry key. The reason for corruption of your registry could be because of any virus affecting your computer or could be due to change of registry value by a new program which you have installed recently or might be some any other reason. When you see the above error, you will also find that when you press Win key+E, a window opens displaying “Unspecified error“.


However, you may find that you are able to launch Windows Explorer by double click on My Computer icon or after trying to include additional switches like ” /e or /n” with explorer.exe, but if you want to recover your computer from this problem, then you will need to fix the registry key “ HKCR\Folders”.

To fix this registry key, just go to this link. After that you will see a page as follow.

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Now right click on folder which I have highlighted on the above snapshot and then click on option Save link as. After you click on save link as, a new window will open.

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Now save this file to any of your preferred location. Now go to this file location and then you will see a zip file with name “folder_fix_w7”. Open this file and extract it to Desktop and ensure that you save the file in REG format. REG is the registry format and after extracting this file to desktop, you will see a icon as follow on desktop.

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After that right click on this REG file and click on option Merge. The alternate way of doing this is open your Registry Editor by typing regedit in start menu. Then click Import option from file menu to merge REG file contents. Do ensure that you are logged in as administrator to change this registry key else you will see a error message and you won’t be able to change this registry key.

After changing this registry, close the Registry Editor and then restart your computer. Now you should be able to open your Windows Explorer from both taskbar and start menu.

[ Source - WinHelpOnline Download ]

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